What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
Fierce Friday nights!! Ending the work week and starting the weekend on a sexually charged, feel good, motivational vibe!!
Also being inspired by the diversity within our group and their unwavering commitment towards uplifting each other. It is very empowering knowing you have a strong group of women backing you and wanting to actively invest in your success.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
One of my most treasured memories was our Fiesta del Burlesque 2019 show – when my Mum, younger Brother and Sister-in-Law all performed on stage with me at some point during that show. Also, every single time I collaborate with my older Brother on a photoshoot or video…family is everything!
But I also have MASSIVE proud BB Mum moments almost every single day – seeing a car whip by with a BB sticker, seeing a dancer in her BB merchandise, receiving amazing feedback about BB, seeing the support in our private group pages… the list goes on!
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
I joined BB to surround myself with women that shared the same values of empowering each other. I was looking to find myself again as a woman, not just a mum and found a fun way to exercise.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
I love being part of a group of women that always have my back. I love being able to be proud of feeling beautiful and sexy.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
My fave BB memory so far is either the Bad Santa Photo Booth at Christmas Cabaret or our Halloween Photo Shoot with Shadows Surgeon!
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
I joined BB because after my last baby I was feeling really down about myself and my body. I wanted a fun hobby that I didn't have to be super fit for, that wasn't too pricey, and I could make some new friends.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
I got to meet likeminded women of all different shapes, sizes, ages and races who came together for the love of giving it a go! Amping each other up, building confidence, not only in yourself but the women around you. All for a love of dancing, but you also get to wear sexy outfits and take pictures! What's not to love?
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
Being a Witchy Goddess was amazing and making the video too! But my fave memories were made at Xmas Cabaret. At the first one I got to get to know some of the women a bit better, as most the time we are dancing, but the second Xmas Cabaret was soooooo hilarious! I know we made Santa’s year with our antics in the Bad Santa Photobooth!
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
After having two beautiful girls I kind of lost my spark and felt like I was missing something. After becoming a Sass Squad Dancer I had more confidence than I had ever had before.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
Becoming a lifelong Sass Squad Sister and part of this amazing community.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
Waiting on stage for my very first show, knowing all my Sass Squad Sisters had my back just before the curtains were pulled…
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
I joined because I love dance, wanted a fun way to exercise, wanted to step outside of my comfort zone and I LOVE the diversity of these strong, beautiful, women.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
The thing I love most about being a Sass Squad Dancer is the support. No matter what the occasion... happy let's celebrate, sad and need to talk, need information or direction, there's always some brilliant boss babe with the heart and the know how to get you there.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
My favourite memory as a dancer is really hard to narrow down to one. One memory I love is having my kids come to Dress Rehearsal. Having them see the work that goes into a show, the diversity of beauty and the smile on their faces when they saw Mom in costume.
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
To regain my confidence again after losing my finger in an accident.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
The thing I love most about being a Sass Squad Dancer is the support. No matter what the occasion... happy let's celebrate, sad and need to talk, need information or direction, there's always some brilliant boss babe with the heart and the know how to get you there.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
5 minutes before my first time performing in my first show...having a meltdown ending up in tears (thank you nerves) and a fellow Sass Squad Sister coming to my side giving me the strongest, most loving hug and telling me I've got this, I'm amazing and she wishes I could see what she saw, in that moment I believed every word she said so I pulling myself together and went out and smashed my first dance/show on stage!
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
I was struggling to find dance classes outside of work hours and also ones that wouldn't cost me an arm and a leg. The amazing Miss CarlyKahlua, who was my manager at work at the time told me she teaches Burlesque workshops on a Friday night and that they were fun and affordable. She said they had a show coming up and invited me to come and watch to see if it would be my cup of tea. After watching the show and seeing how fun it looked, I was hooked and couldn't wait to sign up!
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
For me, my Friday nights at dance can be a break away from the craziness of the world. No work talk, no family dramas, no judgment, just a bunch of chicks from all walks of life coming together to dance and laugh.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
My favourite BB memory would have to be my first burlesque show at Forum North. I've danced on that stage many times before but this time I had lots of friends and family coming to watch. I was pretty nervous to be honest because it's a genre of dance I hadn't performed before and there can be a lot of stigma around burlesque, so I was a little worried I'd be judged for it. But it was actually the complete opposite. Everyone who came to watch were so supportive, encouraging and said they loved it! It was such a fun show and 6 years on I've made so many more amazing memories with my BB family.
Why did you join Burlesque Beauties?
I joined Burlesque Beauties after watching one of their shows. The beauty and confidence that I witnessed amongst the women on stage was incredible. At the time, I really struggled with confidence and self-love. I joined after that show and since then, dancing and learning to love and enjoy my body has improved my life significantly. When we learn to love where we are at, it improves not just the relationship we have with ourselves, but also our relationship with others.
What do you love most about being a Sass Squad dancer?
What I love most about being a Sass Squad dancer is the support you share when you are in a group with others, also wanting to work on self-improvement and self-love. A group where we build one another up when we feel lost or down. The encouragement to accept and love yourself and happiness when your other Sass Squad members succeed.
Tell us one favourite BB memory?
My favourite BB memory would have to be the same each year. Which is witnessing the growth in each woman as they dance and move and get to know their bodies. Watching them as they gain confidence and find their voices. Watching as they find their voice and pick their outfits and how proud of themselves, they are once they achieved their first show.